公開及高級組 Open and Senior Classes
公開組 Open Class
第1組 Class No.1 - 年齡限於32歲或以下(以截止報名日期前計算)
- Age under 32 (according to the application deadline).
- 曲目演奏全長40至50分鐘The program is between 40 to 50 minutes.
- 參賽者須演奏下列所有曲目
Participants must perform ALL of the designated repertoires.
- 第IV項自選曲目之程度須與其他1-3項之程度相等。自選曲目須填寫於報名表格上。
The repertoires of the Participants’ own choices should be comparable to
the designated repertoires and should be stated on the entry form.
SCARLATTI any two contrasting sonatas of your own choice or BACH any one “Well Tempered
Clavier” Prelude and Fugue
Ⅱ.海頓、莫扎特、貝多芬 或 舒伯特任何一首奏鳴曲
one sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert
Ⅲ.蕭邦、李斯特 或 德布西 任何一首練習曲
Chopin, Liszt or Debussy any one Etude
Ⅳ.自選一或多首樂曲 Own Choices (one or more works).
- 初賽(不超過25分鐘) First stage (programmer within 25 minutes) :
ⅰ.練習曲 (見III項) Etude (See III)
ⅱ.奏鳴曲之第一樂章 (見II項) First movement of a Sonata (see II)
ⅲ.自選曲一首 Own choice
(初賽與決賽曲目可以相同) (First and Final Stages could be the same repertoire)